Parks n Wrecked

We're Taking a Trip to Washington!

Episode Summary

Leslie Knope finds herself in a crappy situation in Washington, D.C., Ron has a crappy BBQ experience, and Sean has an equally crappy experience at work. Sounds like a great episode!

Episode Notes

Welcome to Season 5! *The crowd goes wild* Leslie, Ben, April, and Andy are all in Washington, D.C. doing very big important government things. Meanwhile, Ron is hosting a BBQ and literally only has the meat, which is still alive. Which one could argue is the most important part, but still. At least give us a plate or something, man. Sean is thrilled that Tom and Ann are no longer an item.

We’re sampling Cookies and Cream Twix because apparently we’re part-timing in ASMR nowadays. We’re putting a twist on trivia, AND we’re adding a new bit: Categories! Exciting stuff all around. Joey also shares a tip for those Instagram Boomerang users out there. And after Chris reprimands Ron, we do a little roleplaying of Sean being stern towards Haleigh. How does that turn out? Finally, Sean shares a crappy situation from work.

S5, E1: Ms. Knope Goes to Washington

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